Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions - Depot.lk

 Welcome to Depot.lk! Before you use our platform, please take a moment to read and understand our Terms and Conditions outlined below. By using Depot.lk, you agree to abide by these terms.



 Depot.lk is a service provided by Titans (hereinafter referred to as "Depot.lk"). Your usage of this platform is subject to the following Terms and Conditions. Kindly review these terms before engaging with our services.


Responsibility for Content

 Both advertisers and users are responsible for ensuring that any content, including text, images, graphics, and videos ("Content"), uploaded to Depot.lk complies with applicable laws. Depot.lk assumes no liability for any illegal or inaccurate Content provided by users.


Advertisers and users guarantee that their Content does not infringe upon copyrights, intellectual property rights, or any other rights of individuals or entities. By using the service, they release Depot.lk and Titans from any obligations, liabilities, and claims arising from the use (or inability to use) the platform.


Advertisers acknowledge that their Content may be presented on partner sites of Depot.lk under the same terms and conditions.



By submitting Content, advertisers grant Depot.lk and Titans a perpetual, royalty-free, irrevocable, non-exclusive right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works, and distribute the Content in any form, medium, or technology now known or later developed.


All materials on Depot.lk, including Content and other content, software, or services, are the property of Titans, its affiliates, subsidiaries, and third-party licensors. Reproduction, distribution, or use of any material on the site without written permission from Titans is prohibited.



All images on Depot.lk are watermarked to prevent unauthorized use without the advertiser's consent. 

Safety and Images

Depot.lk reserves the right to edit Content titles for editorial purposes. Additionally, Depot.lk may choose not to publish irrelevant images or images that violate platform rules.


Cooperation with Authorities

 Depot.lk may cooperate with authorities in cases where Content violates the law, potentially disclosing user identities and information to authorities as required.



 Depot.lk collects information from users and advertisers. By using the platform, users and advertisers consent to Depot.lk and Titans collecting and using this information. Information may be shared with company affiliates and others for purposes such as administration, support, improvement, research, marketing, and product development.


Depot.lk utilizes cookies to ensure site functionality. Users must enable cookies on their computers for optimal site performance. Cookies are not used to identify individual users.

 Email Addresses

 Users are required to provide a valid email address before posting advertisements. Email addresses are not publicly displayed, but other users can send emails through Depot.lk.


Site Availability

Depot.lk does not guarantee continuous or secure access to the platform. The site is provided "as is" and "as available."

 Links to Third-Party Websites

 Depot.lk may contain links to third-party websites. Depot.lk is not responsible for the content on these websites and users access them at their own risk.


Paid Content and Services

 Certain content and services on Depot.lk require payment, including membership packages, selected ad categories, and ad promotions.


Modifications and Governing Law

Depot.lk reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions, with modifications becoming effective upon posting. Continued use of Depot.lk implies acceptance of modified terms. The platform is governed by the laws and regulations of Sri Lanka.


Thank you for choosing Depot.lk, and we hope you have a rewarding experience using our platform!